Sunday, May 11, 2014

Semantic Web: The Next Generation

When discussing and researching the Semantic Web it's difficult to find an exact definition of what it is all about, searching it tends to find rather large technical documents. However the text I have been using to help assist me really helps to put it into a context I can understand it all is Electronic Commerce 10th Edition by Gary P. Schneider. The definition and explanation goes:

"The Semantic Web a search program agent being developed that can put meanings into the words typed into it."

How could this operate? Surely isn't the internet already there?
The thing about the current search engines is that they operate purely to look up the words you have typed and not search every page to find those words typed down.

Those developing the Semantic Web want to have a search engine that will use XML tags so the web can determine the meanings of the words your searching giving you more comprehensible searches.

You would be able to type in the date, time, city, cost and the search engine could find you competitively priced air fairs to your chosen destination.

Check out this video for a bit more:

Are we at that yet? Why don't you give it a try to find out?
Have a look at a search engine such as Google, Yahoo ect. and see if they will get exactly what you are searching for, or do you need to flick through the massive amount of pages to find that one link?

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